Let’s talk WASTE this Earth Day – Friday, 22 April 2022
Australia sends 27% of its waste to landfill, compared to Sweden’s enviable 1%.
Sweden does this by burning 52% of its rubbish and converting it into energy. The remaining 47% gets recycled.
Celebrating Volunteers
On Volunteer Recognition Day, we recognise and promote the tireless work of volunteers across the globe. Everyday, volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensure the inclusion of those often left behind, or those who simply need an extra hand or a listening ear.
Building Trust for Better Outcomes
Developing and maintaining a high level of trust amongst members of a working group is an essential aspect of group effectiveness. When members trust in the process and build trust with each other they are more likely to achieve better outcomes, not only for themselves but for the group. When trust is high, group members will more openly express their thoughts, feelings, opinions and share information. When trust is low, members hold back and aren’t able to progress through the process.
The Value of Neurodiversity
In the spirit of autism awareness, I polled some of my autistic and neurodiverse friends to ask what they’d like the world to understand about their amazing minds and their experience of the world.
Captioning for the Win
At some point last year my 8 year old started turning on the subtitles for all the TV shows and movies he was watching. When we asked him why, he found it hard to explain, but the gist was it helped him understand what is happening better.
Tips for Inclusive Design
The point of inclusive design is to support the full range of human diversity.
Change the Date: A Beginner’s Guide to Navigating January 26th
Whenever I think about January 26th I am fondly reminded of my late father and the often complex conversation I would have with him (with lamingtons) about this day. It would follow a similar trajectory each year; regardless, I would re-open the conversation – one because I enjoy a bit of healthy debate, and second I enjoy tracking my own understanding and changing views on the subject.