Partner with Conversation People to find your next community and stakeholder engagement professional. We can place a team member with the right experience to fulfil a casual, permanent or project-based role Australia-wide.

  • Cindy Plowman, Director

    Cindy Plowman


    Cindy has extensive experience working in community and stakeholder engagement, delivering programs across a wide range of government and non-government organisations.

  • Jacqui Goy, General Manager

    Jacqui Goy

    General Manager

    Jacqui is highly skilled at community and stakeholder engagement, researching best practice, delivering training and capacity building initiatives and developing strong evaluation mechanisms.

  • Kate Wilby

    Kate Wilby

    Engagement Lead

    Kate has a passion for developing and implementing creative engagement projects that actively engage stakeholders and communities. She believes involving the community produces better engagement results.

  • Ella West, Engagement Support

    Ella West

    Engagement Support

    Ella is a social researcher who brings her diverse experiences and interests to the projects and communities she works with. She has a background in international development, working to strengthen food security & justice systems in Australia and the USA.

  • Linda Skidmore

    Linda Skidmore

    Conversation Facilitator

    Linda can get anyone to stop and chat. Her friendly and positive approach invites people into conversations keen to learn more. She loves helping participants recognise their connection to a project and seeing their enthusiasm to contribute.

  • Liam Frampton

    Liam Frampton

    Conversation Facilitator

    As a facilitator, Liam is a versatile communicator who is comfortable in new and challenging situations. He has strong interpersonal skills, with extensive experience building relationships and managing conflict in high-stress environments in healthcare, hospitality, government and business. 

  • Kirmin Sidhu

    Kirmin Sidhu

    Conversation Facilitator

    Kirmin is passionate in helping shape communities that people actually want to live in and believe community engagement is a really critical aspect of delivering such outcomes. She is excited about contributing to projects that foster long-term change across multiple interacting elements.

  • Catherine Gramaticu

    Catherine Gramaticu

    Conversation Facilitator

    Catherine is an advocate for community empowerment and wellbeing. Passionate about mental health, sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity, she is particularly driven to advocate for vulnerable communities, especially those from culturally diverse backgrounds, drawing on her own immigrant family background.

Find the perfect talent for your project needs

We have a pool of talented individuals ready for casual, temporary, or project-based roles. If you’re looking for someone with the right skills to take on your next short-term project or fill a temporary position, we can match you with the perfect person. Just submit the details of your opportunity, and we'll connect you with the right person to get the job done.