Jacqui Goy
Jacqui is highly skilled at community and stakeholder engagement, researching best practice, delivering training and capacity building initiatives and developing strong evaluation mechanisms.
With a background in health and social planning, Jacqui is effective at building and advising local government on ways to strengthen partnerships between community groups and allied health partners to create a holistic health planning and service delivery model.
Jacqui has direct experience in leading the development and implementation of Reconciliation Action Plans, the coordination and delivering of Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans, and the coordination of Disability Action Plans.
With comprehension of Council’s budgetary cycles, she understands both the implications of a rate constrained environment, and the need to partner and advocate to improve population health.
Key Strengths & Attributes:
Health planning and promotion
Community development
Capacity building
Community grants
Bachelor of Health Sciences, Deakin University
Diploma of Management, Swinburne University
IAP2 Foundations in Public Participation
Igniting Leadership, Leadership Victoria
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