Conversation Co was engaged by Glenelg Shire Council to develop a 20-year Community Plan and Vision in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.
The project included developing and implementing a comprehensive engagement program, including a rigorous deliberative process, that sought to capture the vision and priorities of the Glenelg Shire community, along with associated actions for implementing the Plan.
Initial data was gathered through online forms and surveys, local place-based pop-ups, community workshops, targeted interviews, a launch event, direct mail-outs and staff workshops. Each activity sought to understand the community’s diverse needs and aspirations for the future.
88 community representatives deliberated on the findings of the consultation and key priorities for the future. A total of ten meetings were held across four Community Reference Groups, whereby participants debated and discussed the background information provided to them, issues raised by the community, as well as their own aspirations for the future.
The resulting Glenelg Shire 2040 Community Plan and Vision provided the community and Council with a clear direction for the future. Themes, priorities, actions and indicators of success will be used to inform the development of Council’s key strategic documents and work plans. Community members have also committed to its implementation.