Why Engaging the Community Early in a Development Project is a Smart Move
Developers who engage early don’t just avoid battles—they build better projects. Get the community onside, work with businesses, and make sure emergency services, councils, and stakeholders aren’t blindsided. We’ve seen some of the positive benefits first hand from our clients.

Navigating the Misinformation Maze: Engaging Communities Amid Disinformation Challenges
The spread of misinformation and disinformation is a major factor in our social and political landscape today. This has affected our ability to communicate and work together on some of the big issues we face; supporting public health, addressing climate change, maintaining a stable democracy, ensuring rights and responsibilities.

The Role of Social Planning, Social Research & Community Engagement
Sometimes our clients ask us to engage with their stakeholders when another approach is more suitable. What exactly is the difference between social research and community engagement? Where does social planning and technical information fit into the picture? Some projects will utilise one method, while others utilise all three approaches, at different stages.

What Should you Include in a Communications Plan?
Following is what we include within our communications plan. Your communications plan should always align with your overall engagement strategy.

The Value of Communications in Engagement Programs
Effective communication is essential to supporting your engagement program. Communication is more than just letting your community and stakeholders know that a project is happening, it can help to foster a sense of connection, build trust, and maintain engagement in your project (and in turn, your organisation).